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Selected content from:

  1. “Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System” by Thomas A. Clobes is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 by-nc-sa. Chapters 1, 6, 8. https://scholarworks.calstate.edu/concern/educational_resources/nk322m064?locale=en
  2. Reprinted from United States: Health System Review 2020 , Vol 22(4), Ewout van Ginneken (ed.), Health Systems in Transition / Chapter 3 (pgs. 119-120, 122, 131, 138- 139, 142)/ Copyright 2020. Accessed January 30, 2023. https://eurohealthobservatory.who.int/publications/i/united-states-health-system-review-2020
  3. Economics – Theory Through Applicationsby Saylor Academy is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. by-nc-sa. Chapter 16. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Economics/Book%3A_Economics_-_Theory_Through_Applications/16%3A_A_Healthy_Economy/16.02%3A_Supply_and_Demand_in_Health-Care_Markets.

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