Book Title: Guidebook for Teaching Students Receiving Special Education Services

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Book Description: This book addresses fundamental topics pertaining to the design and implementation of appropriate special education services for students with exceptionalities, particularly students who are characterized as exhibiting mild disabilities. In the first several chapters, the legal basis for special education services is explained and definitions for key vocabulary are presented. Next, tiered intervention frameworks are explained, followed by an in-depth discussion of the general least restrictive environment requirement and the continuum of alternative placements. Finally, the second half of the book centers on the presentation of effective and efficient instruction. Emphasis is placed on the use of an explicit instruction approach to teach mathematics, reading, and writing. Supplemental information about proper classroom management and behavior modification is presented at the end of the book.
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Guidebook for Teaching Students Receiving Special Education Services Copyright © 2024 by Timothy E. Morse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.