
First and foremost, I owe immense gratitude to all my students over the past 20 years. Their inquisitive minds and stimulating discussions have continuously inspired and motivated me to write this book. Every lecture, every question, and every shared moment of learning has been a driving force in bringing this project to life.

I would like to extend special thanks to Nick Griffioen, Vice President of Revenue Management at AHC Hospitality. As an industry insider with extensive expertise, Nick took the time to meticulously review this book over the course of a year, providing invaluable insights and feedback that have undoubtedly enhanced its quality and relevance.

I am deeply appreciative of President Judy Bense and Provost Martha Saunders for granting me the opportunity to take a sabbatical during the 2015-2016 academic year. Their support allowed me the much-needed time and space to focus on beginning the writing process of this book—a journey that has taken ten years to complete.

In recent times, Cindy Gruwell has been instrumental in helping me compile the various chapters, ensuring the content was organized and cohesive. Additionally, I am grateful to Geremy Sonne, one of my dedicated graduate students, for refining the charts that bring clarity and visual context to the data presented in this book.

Above all, I want to express my deepest thanks to my family. My wife, Lien, and our two daughters, Ha and Tram, along with our son Jayson, have provided unwavering support throughout this long process. My two little grandkids, Jack and Ellie, have brought joy and laughter, creating a nurturing and peaceful environment that has allowed me to focus and persevere through the challenges of writing. Their love and encouragement have been my constant source of strength, and I truly could not have completed this book without them.

Thank you all.

Xuan Tran


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Revenue Management Illustrated Copyright © 2024 by Xuan Tran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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