4.2 Climate Change
Nursing Influence on Climate Change

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes climate change as “the single biggest health threat facing humanity” (WHO, 2021). Nurses have been at the forefront of advocating for climate action. Their early engagement in the climate debate demonstrates their commitment to addressing environmental health issues. The nursing profession, comprising about 60% of health professionals worldwide, has unparalleled potential to influence climate action. Nurses work across clinical and public health sectors, making their collective impact significant (ANA, 2023), (WHO, 2021).
Historical Milestones
- Florence Nightingale’s progressive work emphasized that all health is environmental health. Her treatise on ventilation and light in 1859 laid the foundation for nursing’s leadership in environmental health (ANA, 2023).
- The International Council of Nurses called on nurses to tackle environmental issues in 1986, recognizing their shared responsibility for protecting the world (ICN, 2018)
- Nurses began to understand that healthcare itself perpetuated climate change, leading to initiatives like Health Care Without Harm, which rebranded climate change as a public health concern (ANA, 2023).
Current Challenges and Opportunities
- Advanced practice nurses must integrate climate science and health into education, research, and practice(ANA, 2023) .
- Collaboration with other healthcare professionals, community organizations, and policymakers is essential to address climate-related health impacts through evidence-based mitigation and adaptation actions(ANA, 2023), (ICN, 2018) (WHO, 2021).
Advanced practice nurses continue to champion sustainable development, climate justice, and well-being for all. Let us act boldly within and across professional boundaries to safeguard our planet and humanity. Table 4.2.1 outlines some examples of nurses working with others to impact climate health.
Table 4.2.1 Examples of Health-Focused Environmental Organizations |
Alliance of Nurses for healthy Environments (envirn.org) |
Health Care Without Harm (https://noharm.org/) |
Nurses Climate Challenge (https://nursesclimatechallenge.org/) |
Planetary Health Alliance (https://www.planetaryhealthalliance.org/) |
Strategies to Advocate for Populations Impacted by Climate Change
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (2018) Climate Change and Nursing [Video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6rhk-MlYxs