
1.4 Healthy People

Healthy People 2030

Healthy People is a United States population health initiative developed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (OASH, n.d.).  Each decade, data-driven national objectives are established to improve health and well-being over the next ten years.  The current and fifth iteration of this population health initiative  is Healthy People 2030 (CDC, 2020). Healthy People 2030 aims to create a healthier future for all by promoting collaboration, evidence-based strategies, and health equity.

Here are some key points about Healthy People 2030:

  1. Objective-Driven Approach: It includes 359 core, 359 developmental, and 359 research objectives across various health topics. These objectives guide efforts to enhance public health outcomes and address health disparities.
  2. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH): Healthy People 2030 emphasizes the impact of social determinants of health. These factors, such as access to education, economic stability, and neighborhood conditions, significantly influence people’s well-being.
  3. Leading Health Indicators (LHIs): A subset of high-priority objectives called Leading Health Indicators drives action toward improving health. These LHIs focus on critical areas for intervention.
  4. Disparities Data Feature: Healthy People 2030 provides a disparities data feature to track changes in disparities and identify areas for improvement at the national level1.
  5. Evidence-Based Resources: The initiative offers hundreds of evidence-based resources to address public health priorities.

Strategies for Using Healthy People 2030 for Population Health Data


Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion(2023)  Explore Healthy People 2030 Disparities Data [Video]  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS-0ERjhNaY

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Chapter 1 References & Attributions
