

Welcome to Building Bridges: Establishing a Foundation for Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare. This book was created for students entering their respective health profession’s program. This book will help students achieve success not only in their educational program, but as they experience various healthcare settings through internships and employment.

How Open Educational Resources (OER) work

This book has been adapted from multiple OER resources. You can find information regarding all of the resources utilized in this book at the end of every chapter in the “References and Attributions” sections.

Students: This OER book has interactive content is built into each chapter that is available only in the online format. If using a PDF copy or EPUB version of this book, you will be directed to a hyperlink to access the interactive content. At the end of each chapter is a vocabulary list of associated terms related to the chapter’s content. The interactive reinforcement activities may require you to click, drag and drop, and/or watch videos.

Faculty and teaching staff: While this OER book was curated and created for students in all health professions, our hope is that you will take this OER, customize it for your program, and share it again.

Building Bridges: Establishing a Foundation for Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare citation:

Nelson, A., Greene, K., & Cavnar, K. (2023). Building Bridges: Establishing a Foundation for Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare. University of West Florida Pressbooks. https://pressbooks.uwf.edu/interprofessionalcollaborationinhealthcare/

This OER book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Other formats of this OER are available upon request.