

This is the third Open Educational Resource (OER) created by Andrea Nelson and Katherine Greene with Pressbooks and our first OER collaboration with Katie Cavnar. After seeing how enthusiastically students received our previous OER books, along with the incredible textbook cost savings of having a free OER, we decided to make another OER that will eventually be used in all health professions’ foundational courses in the Usha Kundu, M.D. College of Health at the University of West Florida. For this OER, we were pleased to receive an ACE (Adapt, Create, Engage) Award to develop this book sponsored by the UWF Library and the UWF Center for Teaching Learning and Technology. Once again, we were lucky to have our Health Sciences librarian, Cindy Gruwell, as our mentor and advisor. We are so happy that the creation of this book will save students at UWF and elsewhere on textbook costs while allowing them to have continued access to this book after their course ends.

Andrea M. Nelson, PT, DPT, CLT, GCS Emeritus, University of West Florida


Katherine Greene, MPH, University of West Florida


Katie Cavnar, MS, MLS(ASCP), University of West Florida


Thanks and Gratitude

We give our biggest thanks and appreciation to all of the authors from whom our OER book was adapted. Since this list is long, we decided to include these attributions at the end of each corresponding chapter.

We are very thankful for the support from the University of West Florida’s Division of Academic Affairs for encouraging OER material creation and adoption on campus. We especially would like to thank our former Provost Dr. Gary Liguori and our former Vice-Provost Dr. Michelle Williams for supporting OERs and allowing the ACE award to be established.

We wish to thank Stephanie Clark, Dean of Libraries at the University of West Florida, for encouraging faculty to create and use OER materials in their courses, establishing a relationship with Pressbooks, and establishing the ACE award for OER development at UWF.

We also wish to thank Michelle Horton, Executive Director of the University of West Florida’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, for partnering with the UWF Library in the development of the ACE award for OER development.

We extend our gratitude to Cindy Gruwell, Associate Librarian/Coordinator of Scholarly Communication and Health Sciences Librarian at the University of West Florida, for all of her support, assistance, and guidance through the process of revising, updating, and publishing our OER book.

We would also like to thank Dr. David Bellar, Dean of the Usha Kundu, M.D. College of Health (UKCOH), for his support of interprofessional education endeavors at our college.

Lastly, we would like to thank the UWF UKCOH Interprofessional Education Committee for their support of this project.